Warranty Guidelines
Must inform of the service needed will be a warranty claim before booking service. One claim per service call at this time.
RV Wise Mobile RV Services works with most extended warranty and insurance companies. All claims will require the manufacturer name, model number, serial number, date of purchase, year, make, model, and VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) of your RV. Also, a copy of your extended warranty contract.
All Warranty claims will require a service call and diagnostic of the problem that most warranty companies don't cover. Due upon time of diagnostic rendered. Some extended warranty companies require an adjuster to come out and witness the diagnoses of the part. If that is required there will be another service call and dianostic fee charged.For Extended warranty or insurance claims there is $130 charge per claim to file.
*Before a claim starts, you should ensure you have the proper coverage. Please call your warranty company and double-check your coverage with the issue you need to be repaired. We will not write insurance and warranty claims to cover items that should not be covered.
Extended Warranty
Based on the extended warranty agreement, your coverage could range from basic to premium. Covered items will be based on your warranty agreement. Additional charge to file claim for customer may apply.
Extended Warranty or Insurance Claims Process
During the initial visit, the technician will diagnose and find the root cause of your problem, take pictures, and determine the best plan of action to resolve your issue at hand.
RV Wise Mobile Services will work with the extended warranty and/ or Insurance provider to complete your claim and communicate back to the customer.
If the extended warranty or insurance company does not cover any or part of the claim, the customer is responisable to pay the difference at time time of completion of the job.
If parts are needed to complete your repair, we will purchase all parts and schedule an appointment for the repair. If we are not able to complete your repair during our initial visit, a follow-up visit will be required to complete the repair.
If a follow-up visit is required to complete the original issue, the customer will not be charged another service fee.
Manufacture Warranties are not excepted at this time.
RV Insurance
If your RV is damaged in a covered incident, your RV insurance may pay to repair the damage. Additional charge to file claim for customer may apply.